Well here's part two, decided to split it into two because there's just so much to cover.
Blade's taken off his shades so he really must mean business now!

Of course Blade wouldn't be the same without his eh Blade heh.
Its nice to finally start getting a couple more Swords from Hot Toys, over the past couple years all we've seen is guns, guns, guns. I must say though, although I really like the quality and sculpting of the hilt, I'm a little bit disappointed that the actual blade is plastic and not metal. I've recently gotten into buying World War 2 figures produced by a company called D.I.D and all their characters that have swords or bayonets come with metal pieces. Sigh its just a small point though and Hot Toys are pretty good at disguising plastic as metal (given their terminator experience etc) so moving on..

The sword does come with a secondary hilt which shows off the hidden booby trap feature as seen in the movies. Blades fire out of the handle ripping into the hands of any would be thief foolish enough to try and steal Blade's trusty Sword. Of course, given the scale, these parts do not actually move and are just sculpted in position (hey can't expect everything)

He also comes with a pair of fist mounted extendable blades which are held in place with tiny straps.

Such a small addition that could have been easily overlooked, but not by Hot Toys.
The little blades slide out using a simple plastic mechanism. They really are cool.

He also comes with two Light grenades as seen in the film. (they released artificial sunlight when detonated, killing vampires, or I guess scaring off nearby Goths heh)

He also comes with a second Jacket, his bomber jacket. After long consideration however, I really couldn't be bothered with the stress of removing another layer to fit him into his jacket (I know call me lazy) From what I've seen it fits really tightly and looks pretty good.

He also comes with two folding throwing glaives. Sigh I always wanted one of the full scale replicas of these. Probably best I didn't get one though, I'd be too tempted to throw it about haha.

These things might not look it in the pictures but they are really small, like penny sized.

His dual pistols are also great, I thought I'd get a super close up picture to just show how small yet detailed they are. The top of the gun slides back and is even spring loaded just like the real thing. Madess!

As with the Machine gun, the clip slides out, even showing off a tiny bullet inside.

As others have stated, the amount of accessories he comes with is staggering. Accessories are always a big must for me and it always draws me to a figure if they have loads of extras and tiny bits and pieces. (yeah I know I'm a big child har)
Thought I'd include a list just to highlight what he has with him in the box:
- Sunglasses
- Double shoulder holster
- Short padded bomber jacket
- Two foldable glaives
- Two extendable hand blades
- Sword
- Scabbard
- Interchangeable sword handle with blades
- Five stakes
- Two UV bombs
- Machine gun
- Two custom handguns
- Four sets of interchangeable gloved hands (eight in total)
- Figure stand with Blade II movie logo and Blade nameplate
- Double shoulder holster
- Short padded bomber jacket
- Two foldable glaives
- Two extendable hand blades
- Sword
- Scabbard
- Interchangeable sword handle with blades
- Five stakes
- Two UV bombs
- Machine gun
- Two custom handguns
- Four sets of interchangeable gloved hands (eight in total)
- Figure stand with Blade II movie logo and Blade nameplate

Well thats about that, I could have posted way more pictures than this, he has so much going for him. I really can't recommend him enough if you're into 1:6 figures.

In case you missed Part 1 click Here to read it.
Good you own this piece as I am a huge fan of Blade :P