Well after much consideration I finally ended up splashing out on Blade, I really wasn't sure if I was going to get this figure seeing as there's just so much on the horizon coming from Hot Toys. But after seeing all the accessories he comes with and how well done overall he is, I just buckled.
Anyway lets get cracking, he really is worth the money I paid for him. Right out of the box he poses with no problem at all and strikes you as really high quality. His outfit is superbly crafted and fits him well. He stands like most hot toys approx 12 inches tall. He's based on the not so good sequel to the much loved Wesley Snipes film Blade. To be fair I can understand why they covered the second film and not the first, The character Blade became more developed in the sequel with a more stylised look and a longer list of gadgets, which basically translates well into a figure :) which is what we all really care about anyway right?

Speaking of gadgets, Blade really has some cool guns and the attention to detail to each gun he comes with (3 in total) is really something. I'll cover his pistols in a bit but just wanted to mention how much I loved his Machine gun from the film. I always love square bulky looking guns for some reason heh. The magazine is removable from the lil replica below and over all it feels really solid and well made.

His leather outfit is really well replicated at this scale, its made from a pleather type material and as you can see it holds its shape and folds just like its 1:1 counterpart. The inside of his jacket is lined with a red satin like material, adding to the overall quality of the piece, also his jacket has thin wiring running through it in places so you can pose and shape the end of the jacket as you wish, guess thats for some bad assery type walking off into the wind type poses!

His sword and sheath slides into the hole on the back of his jacket and is held in place by a plastic catch. I generally just pose him with the sword in place like this.

The glasses are worth a mention too, I love the fact they are slightly transparent and not just solid black plastic, man 1:6 figures have come a long way in the past 10 years.

Its an overall strong sculpt by Hot Toys, they really caught the look of Wesley Snipes. Though I can imagine he's quite a bit easier to sculpt than some due to his more unusual features.

The glasses just pop right off him showing a steely gaze underneath.

Don't know why but I really love the boots, the photo makes them look pretty big, but in fact they are really small yet have such great detail.

With a small amount of effort his leather coat slips off and shows off the great padded vest he has on. Although his articulation range with the coat on is great, he really shines with the coat off. You can get some really high poses with his arms as you'd expect from the Hot Toys True Type body that Blade sports. Below are his dual pistols that I mentioned earlier. More on them shortly.

I love the way his outfit sits perfectly on him, Hot Toys do an outstanding job with their materials recently.

And of course he has his leg mounted Silver Stakes for killing those pesky Vamps. Kind of a shame but he doesn't come with his shotgun that fires them, not sure though, was that in the first film only???

The hair line and tattoo on the back of his head is amazing, it really sold the figure to me when I first saw the promo pics. Everything about this figure oozes quality.

Check back for part two when I take a look at some more of his accessories and go over his sword.
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